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hold uone’s head
高昂着头  detail>>
to hold uone’s head
抬起头来  detail>>
lift uone’s head
振作;欢欣鼓舞  detail>>
hold up your head!
抬起头来!(意指:别垂头丧气!)  detail>>
hold weight over-head
支撑深蹲  detail>>
hold your head uhigh
高昂起你的头  detail>>
hold sth over one’s head
把。。。举过头顶  detail>>
uone level
往上一层  detail>>
build uone’s body
增强体质  detail>>
build uone’s self-confidence
建立自信  detail>>
hang uone’s boots
(口)停止工作,退休  detail>>
lift uone’s horn
趾高气扬;盛气凌人  detail>>
lift uone’s voice
高声叫喊  detail>>
make uone’s mind to do
下决心去做 下决心做  detail>>
make uone’t mind to
决心做  detail>>
put uone’s hand
举手  detail>>
roll uone’s sleeves
卷起袖子准备工作  detail>>
then i woke uone day
于是有一天我醒来  detail>>